At some point or another, we have all struggled with trust. Whether it was trusting a process, trusting the people in your life, trusting yourself, or even trusting God. Despite the circumstance, we have all struggled with trust. Why is it we struggle with trust? Well, the idea of trust can be terrifying. This is because it requires vulnerability. In order to trust others, we have to trust ourselves. And in order to trust ourselves and others, we have to be willing to be vulnerable, and I shudder every time I even type the word vulnerable.
But something we shouldn't fear is being vulnerable to God and trusting Him.
There I was watching a video of this 4-year-old reciting Bible verses alphabetically, when he recited the verse "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" - Proverbs 3:5. This verse is one that I have heard tons of times, but this time it jumped out at me. That's one of the many things I love about reading God's word. You can read the same words over and over again, and each time you read them God reveals something different to you. But when I say this verse literally jumped out at me, I mean it. Those words came out of this adorable 4-year-olds mouth, stutter and all, and I felt them in my heart. In that moment, I knew God was trying to tell me something.
We should trust God. I know what you're thinking, "well duh we should trust God". But seriously, this is something that most of us have a head knowledge about, but we struggle with it in our hearts. Yes I know I should trust God, yes I know his plans are perfect, but when I face struggles and when I'm in the midst of trials I often find myself worrying and trying to fix situations on my own instead of doing the obvious and just handing it over Him.
The second part of the verse stands out to me as well. So often, we try to fix things in our life. We try to fix people, we try to fix ourselves, we try to fix situations, but we are not capable of doing this. At least, not without God. We also spend so much time worrying about the future, the past, and everything in between. When we lean on our own understanding, we will fail, because we know nothing.
I find myself saying to God "Lord I don't understand". I don't understand why I'm in this situation, I don't understand why you would allow this to happen to someone I love, I don't understand how this is going to help me grow, and the list goes on and on. I usually say these things out of frustration, or anger, or despair, but looking at them now and seeing those words through a Godly filter, I realize that we don't understand. We know that we don't understand, yet we still get angry and frustrated about it. It's true, we don't understand! And we never will if we try to do so on our own. So instead of blaming God when we don't understand, why don't we just trust Him and trust His plan?
I know, I know, easier said than done right? But it's something that I definitely need to work on, and if you're anything like me, you need to work on it too.
We are flawed. We are sinners. We are imperfect, and we make imperfect judgments and decisions. We can't trust our own knowledge and understanding of things. Why would we want to lean on our own understanding, when we have a perfect God with a perfect plan who is going to take care of us and of our situations. All we need to do is trust Him. Trust Him, and trust His plan for our lives.
"For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, than to TRUST and OBEY."