We are all guilty. I'm guilty. We were all born this way. I want to do the right thing and I want to do the Godly thing, but sin is so second nature to us. It's like a constant war waging inside of me, pulling me away from the call of his Spirit. What I need, what we all need, is peace. It sounds so calm, so serene, yet so unknown. Peace is the freedom from the emotional and spiritual disturbances in our life. Peace is what we need. With peace we can rest, with peace we don't have to worry, and with peace we can let go of the battle knowing that it isn't ours to fight. How do we find this peace? First, we must understand that peace, like joy, isn't situational. Things don't have to be peaceful around you for you to have peace within. Peace isn't being somewhere where there is no trouble and no noise. Peace is being in the midst of all those things, and still feeling calm in your heart. We can have peace in the midst of a storm if we have God and know that he is in control. We also have to realize that the first type of peace we need to find is peace with God. The way you find peace and that tranquility of the heart is by having the right relationship with Him.

However, we are still stuck with this pesky little thing called guilt. Guilt can seem overwhelming at times, and we can feel unworthy of a God who is so perfect when we are so filthy. However, if we want to find peace we must do something with the guilt that disturbs the waters of our life. We have to find relief from the guilt, because it is giving up your guilt and knowing that the blood of Jesus has covered it that will allow you entrance into a peaceful and forgiven life. The fact that we feel guilt is good. It means that we realize something we did was wrong in the eyes of God, and that we need forgiveness. Guilt shows a sign of separation with God, but this feeling of separation is meant to lead you back to God's side. When your guilt leads you to repentance and to the realization that we are not good enough without Jesus, then it leads us to the saving power of Jesus Christ and that is where we find peace with God.
Psalm 32:5
Then I acknowledged my sin to you. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.” and suddenly the pressure was gone. My guilt dissolved, my sin disappeared.