I don't know about you, but I love being comfortable. Cozy blankets, warm beds, fluffy socks, pajama pants are all things that make my heart feel warm and happy when I think about them. Wrapping up in a warm blanket, wearing fuzzy jackets, and drinking hot chocolate or coffee makes me feel safe, and well... comfortable. Comfort can be a good thing, that is until you use the word to describe your walk with Christ.
Comfort is easy. There's no unknown, no risks, nothing that can hurt you when you're comfortable. But that is not God's purpose and His will for our life. I started college this year, and my first few weeks I felt absolutely petrified. Sure I was excited for a new journey and a new chapter in my life, but the thought of the unknown and facing something I've never experienced threw me into a panic. I remember those first few weeks, and I remember almost every time I hit shuffle on my playlist, the song "Oceans" came on within 5 minutes of me listening to my music. I had listened to that song probably 100 times, but this time it spoke to me in a different way. I was in the midst of an ocean now. I was in the "great unknown where feet may fail". Starting college, being away from everything I was used to, living and sleeping somewhere new, so many new people, new classes and new teachers; this was my ocean.
I was extremely uncomfortable. But those lyrics of that song reminded me of what I had forgotten. That God was still there, just because I was somewhere new didn't mean that God didn't go with me. I had to remember to "call upon His name" and to "rest in His embrace" and that His "sovereign hand would be my guide". So that's what I did. I reminded myself of these things, I reminded myself of God's love and protection. I felt peace and rest. However, soon I became very COMFORTABLE. Now, there's nothing wrong with having peace and rest in God, but I became comfortable once again with just going to church on Sunday's and Wednesday, and Bible studies during the week. Finding comfort in God, and being comfortable and content in your walk with Christ are two very different things. I stopped looking for opportunities to share my story and my faith with others. I was so concerned with everything going on in my life, that I forgot that my one purpose on this Earth is to bring lost souls to the One that can give them eternal life.
I've always liked the quote that "comfort is the enemy of progress" because it's 100% true. When we are comfortable and in our own little safety bubble, are we really doing anything to further the kingdom of God? When we were saved that wasn't the end of our salvation story, it was supposed to be the beginning. However, many of us have found ourselves comfortable and content with getting saved and then going to church every Sunday, and that's about it. Sure we may do a devotional now and then, or go to a Bible study, but are we actively seeking to bring lost souls to Christ? You see, we weren't saved to be SEATED in church, we were saved to be SENT. God sends those that He saves.
What is your ocean right now? Are you running to God in the midst of this ocean?
What safety bubble are you stuck in that feels comfortable, but is keeping you from following God's purpose for your life?