Okay. One of my New Year resolutions is to definitely write more! I have been so horrible about writing lately, and I'm not sure if it is just lack of time or lack of inspiration, but I promise I will be better :). Anyways, what better inspiration is there than a brand new year?!
2017 was a year to remember. It was a year that was full of love, heartbreak, opportunities, and of course blessings. It was a year that I strayed from God, but it was also a year that I found my way back to Him. God has taught me so much during this year. Some are things that I am still trying to learn, some are things that I have to remind myself of every day. But I am thankful that God has taught me these things, and allowed me to grow during this year. So, to say goodbye to 2017, here are 17 things I learned during this year.
1. The things you want, may not always be what God has in mind for you.
I'm sure you know the difference between wants and needs. Well, God does too. And the thing that you may think you want, may not be what God knows you need. Trust Him when he brings things into your life, and trust Him when he removes things from your life. God knows our future, He knows what we need and when we need it.
2. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself
I am horrible about doing this and typing this paragraph makes me feel like a hypocrite, but you do not have to be perfect :). There are going to be things that you are not good at. Working hard is a great thing, and something I always try to do. But pushing yourself to the limit isn't going to bring success. No, it's going to lead to a mental breakdown. Everything is going to work out in the end because God has promised us so. So in the meantime, just relax.
3. God's timing is perfect, and everything he does is for a reason.
This is one of those things that I know in my head, but I have a hard time fully trusting it in my heart. God's timing is perfect. He will bring things and people into your life at the perfect time for a reason. He will also take things and people from your life at the perfect time for a reason. Trust in His process, and trust in His plan.
4. If you are not actively seeking God day by day, you will drift away from Him.
This is one I'm still learning every day. Our natural tendency is to stray away from God. If you don't actively seek Him every single day, you'll look up one day and be so far away that you won't remember how you even got there. Don't put your walk with God on cruise control. Actively seek God, read His word, and listen to what He is trying to tell you each day.
5. Change is inevitable
People Change. And that's okay because so will you. No matter where you go, you can't escape change, and that can be scary at times. We get so comfortable living comfortably. But God doesn't ask us to be comfortable, does he? Change is an essential part of growth, and it happens as god works in your life. Although everything around us will eventually change, we can have peace in knowing that we serve an unchanging God.
6. You can't handle everything on your own.
It's simple. We weren't meant to do life alone. We are meant to share our burdens, our triumphs, and our struggles with each other. Lean on those close to you. Allow them to support you and love you. But most importantly, realize that you have to depend on God in all things that you do.
7. It's okay to not be okay all the time.
I promise you, it's okay. You don't have to always be happy, or in a good mood, or in a good place. It's okay to not be okay. You're going to fall, you're going to fail, and you're going to get hurt. But when you do, don't stay in that place forever. Allow God to heal your heart and allow him to help you grow. Realize that even though you may not always be happy, we are blessed to have a joy from the Lord that does not depend on circumstances.
8. "Me time" is important!
This world is crazy. We all know it. We've all lived it. Stress is a killer, and it is important to sometimes take a little time for yourself. Read a book, talk to God, listen to new music, just relax. Unplug from the from the world and tune in to what God is trying to tell you.
9. Being kind does not mean you are weak.
Having a big heart is a superpower. Don't mistake it for weakness. Be kind and be gentle to others. Even those who have wronged you. Forgive and forget, and love with all of your heart.
10. Not everyone is rooting for you.
There are going to be people who don't want to see you succeed. There are going to be people who will do everything they can to push you down. Prove them wrong by standing back up every time. Know your worth, know how you deserve to be treated, and know that the people who don't support you don't deserve to be in your life. Those people simply need your prayers.
11. Until Jesus is enough for you, nothing else will ever be.
This one is simple. Until we are okay with having nothing but Jesus, nothing will ever be enough. There is no person or hobby or thing that can fill your heart the way Jesus can.
12. Embrace your battles.
If you could see the huge blessing that is coming, you would understand why you are fighting the battle your fighting right now. One of my favorite quotes is "Sometimes we are taken into troubled waters not to drown but to be cleansed". There is a purpose to your suffering, and through God, you can understand what that purpose is. Embrace your battles because they are necessary in order for you to grow.
13. Stop comparing yourself
Seriously. Stop (Once again I feel like a hypocrite, but I'm still learning). Comparison is the thief of joy. It's the voice that screams "You are not enough" and for some reason we not only listen to that voice, but we believe it! You are beautifully and wonderfully made by the God of the Universe! You are made in his perfect image! You are made exactly how you are for a reason and for a purpose. Love yourself. Treat yourself kindly. And realize that you are more than enough.
14. You are not in control.
This one is for all you control freaks like me out there. I hate to say it, but we have control over nothing. Let it go and let God deal with it. I promise you, He is going to do a much better job about dealing with it than we ever could.
15. There is beauty in every day.
I know that some days don't seem worth it. Some days may seem dark and you would rather lay in bed with a blanket over your head. But there is at least one thing every day to be thankful for. Look for it. I promise you, it's not hard to find. Every day is a blessing and every day is beautiful.
16. You are important
Let me say it one more time for the people in the back. YOU ARE IMPORTANT. Goodness you have no idea how much you are loved, and how important you are. You were given this life for a reason. So live it. Live it beautifully, gracefully, and live it in honor of the one who has blessed you with it. Realize that you are a beautiful and amazing human and that you matter.
17. I still have a lot to learn.
If this year has taught me anything, it's that I have so much more to learn. I'm only 18 and though I have learned so much this year, God is not through teaching me yet. I know there will be more trials, but I know that I will grow through those hard times. I know there will be more blessings to be thankful for, and I know that there are plenty of more lessons to learn.
So thank you God, for shedding light on all of these lessons for me. Thank you for allowing me to grow, to meet new people, and experience new things. I'm grateful for each lesson because I know that it has bettered me in some way. Thank you for getting me through 2017, and I can't wait to see where you take me in 2018.