Well, my summer started about two weeks ago, and of course, I spent those two weeks resting and recovering from the craze that is high school. I've spent lots of time cleaning the house, tanning on my trampoline (because my pool still isn't clean), and working out. I've decided to create a summer bucket list, nothing crazy, just small things that I know I can accomplish or at least attempt to accomplish. So read on maybe you'll be inspired to create your own bucket list!
☐ Plant flowers
☒ Go zip lining
☐ Go snorkeling while on vacation
☒ Make Cupcakes - already did this, but it was already one of my ideas so I'm putting it on here!
☐ Tie-Dye a shirt or a blanket or something.
☐ Finish my devotional book
☐ Watch a sunset and a sunrise.
☐ Try origami
☐ Fill a coloring book
☐ Paint my bathroom a new color
☐ Teach myself more sign language
☐ Do yoga outside or on the beach
☐ Go night swimming
☒ Shopping Spree!
☐ Write a letter to someone who has positively influenced me
☒ Paint a picture
☐ Take a picture with a stranger. This one will probably be the hardest for me because I am not a people person lol. So, I'm going to try to reach outside my comfort zone a little.
☐ Sew something
☒ Try a new restaurant
☐ Go on an adventure
☒ Run a 5k... or a few.
☒ Buy something from a thrift/antique store.
☒ Volunteer somewhere
☐ Start on scholarship essays
☐ Complete a random act of kindness
☐ Carve something into a tree
☐ Decorate a pair of jeans with patches/paint/holes/etc
☒ No Sodas!
☐ Play with sidewalk chalk
☐ Ride a Horse
☒ Do good in my college classes this summer.
I'm really excited to try and complete this bucket list, and I really hope I can get it all done! Summer is the time where everything seems a little more peaceful, our smiles seem much bigger, our skin is sun-kissed, and our souls feel as if they are overflowing with happiness. Make the most out of summer so when it fades away the memories won't!