It's no secret I've been through a pretty hard breakup recently, and I've been hesitant to write about it because I didn't want to seem like I was looking for attention. Also because I wasn't in a place where I felt comfortable to talk about it. However, I am writing this for anyone who may be going through the same thing and needs to hear these words.
It would be oh-so-awesome if we could all make it through life without feeling hurt. It would be absolutely fantastic if nobody every got their heart broken, if friends always remained friends, and we never experience a moment of loneliness or sadness. However, real life and real relationships ensure that we will experience almost every single emotion we would rather avoid. Breakups are not fun, and they aren't easy. It's hard to give someone your heart, and then it not work out. It's hard to love someone and then for them to change their mind. For a while, I was very bitter. I was angry, I was upset, and I was confused as to why this happened. I thought I was doing everything right, and I didn't know why things didn't work out. And for a while, I made it seem like I was perfectly fine when I was broken. I tried to heal myself. I tried to convince myself that I was fine. I tried to find happiness in having more friends, keeping myself busy, and working like crazy to prove that this didn't bother me anymore. But, that was exhausting, and I didn't need to do all these things. I just needed God.
I've always heard stories about how God will remove something from your life, that is keeping you from Him. I've read stories about sports stars who have been injured and are no longer able to play, but that injury led them back to the Lord. I truly believe that God does that with relationships as well. I placed all of my love into one person. I spent more time thinking about that person than I did about God. I cared more about my relationship with a guy than I did my relationship with the Lord, and that is hard for me to admit. But I believe God ended that relationship for a reason, and I believe that reason was to bring me closer to Him. It is easy to bitter. It's easy to be angry and to be upset. But instead of thinking that, I think about how God has a purpose for me. I think about how God has the perfect person picked out for me. I pray every morning that God will teach me to do His will. I pray that he won't let me be bound by bitterness. I pray I won't think thoughts of anger or jealousy. I pray that I won't be anything but thankful that I have grown closer to Him.
I am a firm believer that each relationship is preparing me for the person that God has planned for me. I believe that each relationship will make you a better person. So, while it is heartbreaking to lose someone that you loved "the pain you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that is coming - Romans 8:18". I want my heart to be so filled with God, that there is no room for anything that He doesn't want in my life. His will is what I am seeking, and when we seek God's will great things are to come.
So to any person out there who is experiencing heartbreak, you are not alone. Everyone is broken in some way. We all make mistakes, we all experience heartbreak, but the Lord mends hearts, soothes hurt feelings, and puts us back together. Move through the pain, not around it. Don't avoid whatever is causing you pain. Hand it completely over to God, and I promise you that He will take care of it. Find peace in the Lord's steadfast love. He knows when you are feeling broken, and if you let Him, He will comfort you through scripture, prayer, worship, and through His people. Hang in there. Seriously. Don't give up. Know that the Lord is working, even if you can't see it. Trust God. Trust his timing, and trust that He has a plan and a purpose for you.